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You ceremoniously solder [[the final connection|2]] with gold.
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The eyes of a dozen television cameras watch you and the subether bore throughout the universe a dozen pictures of [[what you are doing|2a]]</div>
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You straighten and nod to Dwar Reyn, then move to a position beside [[the switch|4]] that will complete the contact when you throw it.</div><style>
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The switch that will connect -- all at once -- all of the monster computing machines of all the populated planets in the universe -- ninety-six billion planets -- into the supercircuit that will [[connect them all|machine-loop]] into one supercalculator, one cybernetics machine that will combine all the knowledge of [[all the galaxies|5]].</div><style>
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Dwar Reyn speaks briefly to the watching and listening trillions. Then after a moment's silence he says "Now, Dwar Ev." You [[hesitate|your performance]]. Will you activate the fob... Or do [[you throw the switch,|6]] but...what about the [[data-pirates' revenge|pirate-hq]] later?
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There is a mighty hum, the surge of power from ninety-six billion planets. Lights flash and quiet along the miles-long panel. [[You step back|7]]
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You draw a deep breath. "The honor of asking the first question is yours, [[Dwar Reyn|8]]"</div><style>
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"Thank you," says Dwar Reyn. "It shall be a question which no single cybernetics machine has been able to answer." He turns to [[face the machine|9]]. You grasp the fob, waiting for the right moment</div><style>
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"Is there a God?"
The mighty voice answers without hesitation, without the clicking of a single relay.
"Yes, [[now|10]] there is a God." </div><style>
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<<linkreplace "You're distracted by a stray thought">> You must make a choice that will alter your future! Either:
- You [[activate the fob|10a]]
- You [[leap to grab the switch|11]]
- You [[maintain poise|011b]] with $expressions
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A bolt of lightning from the cloudless sky strikes you down and fuses the switch [[shut|end]]</div>THE END
Based on "The Answer" by Frederic Brown (1954)
Expanded + Adapted to Twine by Carl Diehl
Visual Design by Carl Diehl + Bob Fortner
Source images by Carl Diehl + Adobe Firefly
Edited by Carl Diehl
[[try again?|000]]You get up very early on work days. Fuel costs are skyrocketing and it is not affordable to drive on a [[cybernetic assembler's salary|your performance]]. Besides, walking to the interplanetary shuttle is good for you. That's [[what you tell yourself|001]] anyways.
"Daily rituals are good for a Dwar like me," you tell yourself. Exercise and a simple breakfast. A freshly ironed uniform, and shoes. A few months ago when you had disposable income, you had a habit of buying shoes for every day of the week. Shoes on a whim, shoes just because. Not really sustainable anymore, but the daily ritual remains as a puzzle to solve every morning. Which color do you want to wear today? You choose <<cycle "$color" autoselect>>
<<option "green">>
<<option "yellow">>
<<option "off-white">>
<<option "blue">>
<<option "pink">>
<<option "zebra stripe">>
<<option "gold">>
<</cycle>> and then you [[head out the door|002]]
You walk along the main thoroughfare because it is [[less treacherous|pirate-hq]] than the old forest. It's longer, for sure, but you'll make it to the shuttle if you stay on track. So, as always, you err on [[the side of caution|003]]<<linkreplace "Well, today the side of caution comes crashing...">> Faint sounds of laughter emanating from the forest capture your attention. A feeling of curiosity washes over you... and [[you consider|004]] checking it out!<</linkreplace>>
You're not sure why...but you feel the desire to be wild today. You wonder if it could be somehow about <<cycle "$something" autoselect>>
<<option "all that hoopla at work today">>
<<option "next month's vacation">>
<<option "that possible promotion">>
<<option "the new housemates">>
<<option "the parents soon visiting">>
<<option "the new side hustle selling shoes">>
<<option "something else">>
<</cycle>> You pause...then [[you realize|005]]
"$something! Ha...that must be it!!" You laugh to yourself, throw caution to the wind, and [[enter the forest|006]]It is an open secret that data-pirates hang out in the old forest. They say that they operate clandestine technology R+D, dis-assemble stolen computers for lucrative parts, craft cudgels, and jam communications from elite planets using ad-hoc transmitters cloaked under the canopy of trees, and you should see them when they're angry..."well no, you really shouldn't," you think to yourself..you try to <<return "dismiss these thoughts from your mind">>
<<linkappend Yikes! >> You're surrounded by data-pirates! You [[fumble for words|007]]<</linkappend>>
"Please, um..please spare me," you shout... "I…I..need to take care of $something, you see..they're counting on me!"
The data-pirates chuckle. One of them [[notices your uniform|008]]."You work on planet 505?," the data-pirate inquires, "[[the supercomputer project?|machine-loop]]?"
You nod yes.
"Well, what a serendipitous meeting this is!," the data-pirate proclaims, "We've got [[a special offer for you,|009]] pal!"After confirming that you are on the launch team for the Machine, they ask if you will help them neutralize it! Their device, some sort of improvised electromagnetic information bomb, they explain, will wipe the datasets from the Machine.
"Just the exploitative algorithms though....right?" you ask, trying to play it cool as [[you think about the scope|010]] of what this data-pirate has just suggested.
To your simultaneous intrigue and horror, the data-pirate boasts, "Yeah, don't worry, no humanoids are gonna get hurt! It will just wipe the data off the whole damn Machine!" They chuckle again. "...the next part, that's proprietary intel of the pirates, you see?"
Perhaps trying to put this vision out of your mind, you notice this data-pirate is wearing the same $color shoes as you! You begin to wonder if they also had to seek out these rare edition sneakers from an online boutique...as you drift into thought, the data-pirate barks at you: "Simple choice: [[Yes|011a]] or [[No|011b]] ?"You agree, fearing what fate might result otherwise. You are handed a small device that looks like any old key fob. You are instructed to activate it soon after the Machine first [[connects online|machine-loop]] You hesitantly agree, feigning a smile. Another group of data-pirates escort you to the shuttle stop where [[you board the train|12]]
<<linkreplace "you relive that decision in your mind often">> But that was awhile ago now...and you are still in a dingy room, tasked with disassembling hard drives for some unknown cause....for [[the forseeable future!|end]] <</linkreplace>>
<<linkreplace "You arrive at work, pick up your toolkit, try to calm your nerves">> Dwar Reyn enters, "Today's the day, eh?" he says. You gesture with your toolkit and you both [[enter into the arena|1]]<</linkreplace>>
You wonder [[if the data-pirates are watching you|pirate-hq]] and presume your boss is assessing [[your performance]] for that possible promotion
--Panicked with indecision you contort your face, <<cycle "$expressions" autoselect>>
<<option "a series of expressions">>
<<option "grimaces">>
<<option "smiles">>
<<option "furrowed brow">>
<<option "lips puckered">>
<<option "muted grin">> <</cycle>>
you are [[trying to perform|3]], for everyone, anyone, and no one in particular all at once<<cycle "$performance" autoselect>>
<<option "You find yourself ruminating about salary again">>
<<option "that trouble with the boss">>
<<option "demoted for doing the right thing!">>
<<option "advocating for the environment!">>
<<option "that noise pollution generated by the lab">>
<<option "it clogs the accoustic space of insects!">>
<<option "insects are crucial to the ecosystem">>
<<option "Your boss praises stewardship">>
<<option "but you found out the hard way..">>
<<option "this one cut too close to the bottom line.">>
<<option "now you are an underpaid cybernetics assembler!">>
<<option "maybe that side hustle can become the main gig?">>
<<timed 18s>><<return "You try to shake these thoughts and remind yourself that a promotion opportunity is coming up again">><</timed>><<timed 5s>> <<return "you blink, trying to shake this scenario from your mind">><</timed>>
<<cycle "$machine" autoselect>>
<<option "[img[https://clogosphere.neocities.org/if/answer/machine.png]]">>
<<option "[img[https://clogosphere.neocities.org/if/answer/brightlight.png]]">>
<<option "[img[https://clogosphere.neocities.org/if/answer/universe.png]]">>
<</cycle>> [img[https://clogosphere.neocities.org/if/answer/brightlight.png][10b]]
<<linkreplace "Another blast and a horrendous, piercing tone, lots of chaos.">> That was a while ago now. You are back at home, your new found home amongst the data-pirates, with whom you share a love of $color sneakers, and they are happy to take you into their crew...even if sometimes $something requires you to [[take a break|end]]<</linkreplace>>